Sunday 30 September 2012

3700 miles - End of Season

I got the service and panel replaced, I have only managed an abysmally poor 600 miles, I have been using the bike this month but it is it's last day today as I will now sorn it for the winter.  By the time I re-tax it, it will be three years old and due it's first MOT.  Goodness me, I will have owned a bike long enough to MOT it.

It is still a great bike and I feel it is probably one of the best i have owned for all round ability.  It is not going anywhere but staying in my ownership, that must say something after all the bikes I have owned.

Hopefully next year I will make better use of the bike, in the meantime the Pan is being pressed into winter duties and a new bike arrives in a week.  A new 2012 Brooklands Green Triump Thruxton.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

3171 miles

2 years, only 3000 miles.  To be fair I have been busy with quite a few bikes.  I took the VFR up North last weekend and had a blast.  Such a good bike, it has a lot of power and is very sure footed.  I love being on the R1, nothing beats it for precision but for me the VFR can come very close to an almost perfect road bike.  Yet again you have to remember that it is a shaft driven long wheel based motorcycle.  It is due its service and I am getting the rear panel replaced under warranty, a common fault and very odd on a bike that is so nicely put together.

I stepped away from it for a while, the Pan, the CBF and the R1 but I think our future will be secure, I can never justify the huge loss of money nor will I ever be able to afford such a good bike and so it is staying put.  Hopefully start to get the miles together.

A very good bike ruined by Honda's misguided advertisement up and then the full accessories give away after only 6 months, whilst us poor first adopters got nothing.  Still I am not bitter.

Sunday 18 March 2012

2815 miles

Yes I still have it, Nearly 2 years and who would think that me and the 1200 would still be one.

Just returned from the dealers to get the latest ECU update, i was having an occasional fuel glitch. The only black mark against a brilliant bike.

I have just recently added an R1 ro my collection, but I have pledged to use the VFR everyday, first off all to get some use out of it and to also see if the issue is resolved. A years warranty left so better now to see if there are any issues.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Had an amazing 500 mile day out around Scotland, comfort was just perfect, way beyond my expectations. Without doubt I could have done more. It is a truly brilliant bike, being under utilised by me, but I have to say it was made for me, I just wish I could get out on it a bit more. Ah well there is always next year.

Thursday 2 June 2011

2229 Miles

Bike went for it's annual service, nice to be on it again, the poor bike has been neglected and the ST1300 has been getting the miles. Time to re-bond, but i have had it over a year, it's had an annual service which was very reasonable.

It's such a brilliant bike to ride, i am going to make a lot more reasons to get more miles under my belt. It is a awesome bike, so easy to ride.

Monday 11 April 2011

Sunday 2146 miles

I invited my brother to come along for a run, i let him take the VFR 1200 and we took the Pan. Good day out and my brother had nothing but praise for the VFR. Being a ZZR1100 Man since the first one, he really appreciated the power but was blown away at it's handling. Seeing it ridden by someone else I could not but admire its posture and its sound.

Sunday 27 March 2011

2048 miles

Well, a few days commuting out to work but the poor VFR keeps getting pushed to the side as the Pan takes over the daily commute.

However, I hope this year to take the VFR for some great solo runs. it is an amazing bike and if you are a sports bike only person then you are always going to roll this bike out and leave the ST behind. You might also be surprised by how good a sports bike this sports/tourer labelled bike is. However the Pan just ticks all the boxes most of the time. Poor VFR, Honda called it a road bike and that it certainly is. Probably the best.